Castle Mead Academy careers programme

Year 7Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Introduction to Careers Education
  • Linking Careers to the Curriculum (Part 1)

What is citizenship and what does it mean to be a citizen?



  • What makes you you?
  • Discrimination /stereotypes
  • Protected Characteristics
  • Equality Act
Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Linking Careers to the Curriculum (Part 2)
  • The Best of Me


Building relationships

  • Self-worth and developing self-worth
  • Gender stereotypes
Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Teamwork

What is active citizenship?

Why is managing money important and how can I do this?


Living in the wider world

  • What careers can you do?
  • Workplace stereotypes
  • Safe and ethical financial choices
  • Saving and budgeting


Guess My Job Workshop – Leicestershire Cares (Employer encounter) (June)

Year 8Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Mindset for Success
  • Introduction to Enterprise (Part 1)

What is Citizenship and what does it mean to be a citizen?



  • What is discrimination?
  • Protected characteristics
  • Racism, sexism, disability, LBTQ
Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Introduction to Enterprise Project (Part 2 and 3)


Emotional wellbeing

  • Mental health
  • Challenging myths and stigma concerning mental health
  • Wellbeing and balance
Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Beginning my Career Journey (link to KS4)

What is active citizenship?

Why is managing money important and how can I do this?

Year 9Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Proactivity -v- Reactivity
  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Resilience

What is Citizenship and what does it mean to be a citizen?

Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Introducing the KS4 Curriculum at CMA
  • GCSE Choices: Unifrog


  • Respectful relationships
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Physical and mental health
  • Balanced lifestyle


National Apprenticeship Week (Feb):

  • Introduction to Apprenticeship Assembly (LEBC)
  • The Big Assembly Live

GCSE Options Process: including options conference with SLT and options evening (attended by two local post 16 providers)

Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Marketing Me and Introduction to Work Experience – how to find a self-placement, covering letters and communication


What is active citizenship?

Why is managing money important and how can I do this?

Year 10Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Recognising Skills for the workplace
  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Resilience


Diversity – addressing extremism

  • Valuing diversity



Work Experience – launch and  initial preparation and completing applications

Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Transferable Skills for the Workplace: Communication


Exploring influences

  • Role models

Mental health

  • Promoting mental health and wellbeing
  • Stigma and discrimination


Work Experience – paperwork and expectations

Careers Group Sessions (Level 6 Advisor)

  • Session 1: aspirations, strengths, qualities, interests, passions
  • Session 2: labour market information and post 16 routes

University of Leicester Biology in a Box session – British Science Week (March)

University of Leicester Medicine and Healthcare Workshop – (March)

Careers in the Prep Curriculum:

  • Work Experience – placement week, followed by evaluation


  • Having mutual respect for others
  • How to manage your money


Financial decision making

  • Budget and save


Mock trial led by magistrates  (June)
One-to-One Careers Advice Sessions with Level 6 Advisor

BA Cabin Manager presentation


Opportunities for all Scholars

Castle Character Time – elective activities change each term to give scholars a variety of choice and experience. Through Castle Character Time, scholars grow as individual members of society and develop a wide range of employability skills such as resilience, problem solving, communication etc. Employability skills identified and highlighted when choosing electives.National Apprenticeship Week (lunchtime talks)

  • ‘Apprenticeships – from the Apprentice Themselves’ (February 2023)
  • ‘Tell me more, how do I know this is the route for me?’ talk from NWSLC about apprenticeship and vocational opportunities (February 2023)

National Careers Week

  • ‘What does my career path look like?’ – staff endorsement of careers pathways and skills (March 2023)

Weekly ‘Career of the Week’ home learning opportunity

Castle Character Time – elective activities change each term to give scholars a variety of choice and experience. Through Castle Character Time, scholars grow as individual members of society and develop a wide range of employability skills such as resilience, problem solving, communication etc. Employability skills identified and highlighted when choosing electives.

Weekly ‘Career of the Week’ home learning opportunity

Castle Character Time – elective activities change each term to give scholars a variety of choice and experience. Through Castle Character Time, scholars grow as individual members of society and develop a wide range of employability skills such as resilience, problem solving, communication etc. Employability skills identified and highlighted when choosing electives.